Sunday, October 12, 2014

Different Brazil Newspapers For The Everyday Reader

By Jocelyn Davidson

Because of technology, there are already a lot of changes in the way we do things. But the one thing that has never changed is the need of a person to get their news daily. Even if there is already television and websites that can provide news in a real time manner, there are still many who prefer to read it out of the paper.

And when you are Brazilian and you want to travel, you want to be sure that you will still find a source of news on the area where you are going. The good thing is that there are still Brazilian publications in other parts of the world. One particular example is the Brasil News, a Brazil newspaper in Canada.

Most publications in Brazil are reaching nationwide distribution and they are also distributing into other states. There are different broadsheets in competition for the attention of the audience. If you want to read news from the country of Brazil or if you are a national of the country but you still want to read updates while traveling, you can by choosing from the list of newspapers below.

For those who are comfortable in reading Portuguese, there is a whole roster of newspaper where you can get the latest updates about the country. O Globo is one of the most well known newspaper in the country and is part of a major news publication. The board of this certain newspaper to have contents that are conservative in nature. Another publication which has the same take on their contents is the O Estado de Sau Paulo. The first one is published in Rio de Janeiro while the latter is in Sao Paulo.

The more liberal newspapers are the Jornal do Brasil which faced a great crisis during the 1990s but is back on track with their circulations. And the Folha de Sao Paulo, an online publication and one of the biggest in the scene. You are likely to read which publication based on where you are located in the country.

If you are looking for more particular news like something with more political contents, the best newspaper for that is the Correio Braziliense which has deep connections with the government. When it comes to finance articles, the major player is the Gazeta Mercantil. This is one of the newspapers in the country which focuses on the economy and mostly reports about financial status of the whole nation.

If you are not really up to learning the language of the Brazilians just to be able to read their newspapers, you still have the English written ones. Economist Brazil and BBC Country Profile Brazil are the leading broadsheets for general news about the current affairs of the country. If you want the whole picture of the present state of the nation, this would be a good choice for a read.

There are also travel broadsheets. Their focus is updates on the major tourist spots in the countries and articles about travel. Brazil Dispatch is the leading newspaper for this genre. If you want to check online broadsheets for daily updates, you can go to, the other good source for travel reports. There are crime updates included in the reports so that tourists would also consider their safety when traveling.

Whatever aspect you want to have update on, there are newspapers that would surely supplement your needs. Specialization of the articles provides an advantage for the readers. This is because there would be no need for you to read or scan a whole newspaper containing different topics when you only want to get updates on one section.

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