Sunday, September 7, 2014

Best Science Fiction Books Are Available

By Mattie MacDonald

There are so many people within this world who love to read novels about outer space and other odd things. This is one reason that publishers will always list the best science fiction books that are currently on the market. "Logan's Run" is one writing which explores all aspects of human life and how evil mankind can be towards one another. In this adventure the reader gets to explore questions about life expectancy, promiscuous behavior, uneducated and poor individuals.

While reading this novel any reader will be surprised to learn that the people living within a dome city cannot live beyond the age of thirty. Once an individual turns thirty years old they are forced to enter into an arena which will destroy them. All other citizens of this particular city come to view their exciting elimination.

There are many anxious observers who attend this event and they cheer on each person that explodes. The crowd is hoping that every older person will get the chance to renew their lives in another body. Almost everyone living within the dome city has sexual encounters with different people each and every night. Logan loves to meet new and fascinating women that will really make him horny.

It is totally acceptable for these young people to be so promiscuous and not worry about any type of illness. They are only living for the moment since death is quickly approaching them. All of the residents are given a computer program which can grant them different human beings at night.

Unfortunately none of these individuals grew up with a loving father or mother since they were raised in a hospital facility. The medical unit staff names the infant at their time of birth. Every youngster is assigned a certain number which they will carry until their young death. Logan was given the number five when he first came into this strange world.

There are a group of individuals who live on the outskirts of this dome and they are very poor and uneducated. Unfortunately these people are only allowed to live to the age of eighteen since they are so very poor and dirty. The city makes them live like animals and does not have sympathy for them at all. Therefore this group lives like savages and they constantly kill and hurt one another.

Logan and his friend decided to make a bold exit from the dome city after his thirtieth birthday. He claimed that the officials had made a mistake on his time line. This was one man who was determined to survive and he was not afraid of the dangerous police who followed behind him. The sandmen made sure that every thirty year old person would report to the carousel arena for execution.

Many of these runners never made it past the young murderers who lived outside of this glorious city. Some of them were even frozen by a robot that resided within the ice caverns. He was very devious and enjoyed murdering all of these poor souls.

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